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Runs Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to fetch flow runs. A run represents a single contact's path through a flow and is created each time a contact is started in a flow.

Listing Flow Runs

A GET request returns the flow runs for your organization, filtering them as needed. Each run has the following attributes:

  • uuid - the ID of the run (string), filterable as uuid.
  • flow - the UUID and name of the flow (object), filterable as flow with UUID.
  • contact - the UUID and name of the contact (object), filterable as contact with UUID.
  • start - the UUID of the flow start (object).
  • responded - whether the contact responded (boolean), filterable as responded.
  • values - values generated by rulesets in the flow (array of objects).
  • created_on - the datetime when this run was started (datetime).
  • modified_on - when this run was last modified (datetime), filterable as before and after.
  • exited_on - the datetime when this run exited or null if it is still active (datetime).
  • exit_type - how the run ended, one of interrupted, completed, expired.

Note that you cannot filter by flow and contact at the same time.


GET /api/v2/runs.json?flow=f5901b62-ba76-4003-9c62-72fdacc1b7b7

Response is the list of runs on the flow, most recently modified first:

    "next": "http://example.com/api/v2/runs.json?cursor=cD0yMDE1LTExLTExKzExJTNBM40NjQlMkIwMCUzRv",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
        "id": 12345678,
        "flow": {"uuid": "f5901b62-ba76-4003-9c62-72fdacc1b7b7", "name": "Favorite Color"},
        "contact": {
            "uuid": "d33e9ad5-5c35-414c-abd4-e7451c69ff1d",
            "urn": "tel:+12065551212",
            "name": "Bob McFlow"
        "responded": true,
        "values": {
            "color": {
                "name": "Color",
                "value": "blue",
                "category": "Blue",
                "node": "fc32aeb0-ac3e-42a8-9ea7-10248fdf52a1",
                "time": "2015-11-11T13:03:51.635662Z"
            "reason": {
                "name": "Reason",
                "value": "Because it's the color of sky",
                "category": "All Responses",
                "node": "4c9cb68d-474f-4b9a-b65e-c2aa593a3466",
                "time": "2015-11-11T13:05:57.576056Z"
        "created_on": "2015-11-11T13:05:57.457742Z",
        "modified_on": "2015-11-11T13:05:57.576056Z",
        "exited_on": "2015-11-11T13:05:57.576056Z",
        "exit_type": "completed"