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Use your favorite services
Trigger events on Zapier, route contacts using natural language classifiers on, or call an unlimited number of services using fully customizable webhooks.
Connect with Zapier
Trigger events and share data with over 2,000 apps.
When you get a new MailChimp subscriber, start them in a TextIt Flow
Create a Salesforce contact if somebody reaches a part of a TextIt Flow
Add TextIt Flow results to Google Sheets
..and thousands more. If you can think it, you can probably do it.
Custom Webhooks
Integrate with any web service with fully customizable webhook calls.
Call Webhook
HTTP Headers
When a contact arrives at this point in your flow...
Use webhooks to integrate directly with great services like Airtable
Natural Language
Build natural language classifiers to route messages in your flow using the web's best NLU platforms.